Vertical Carousel For Hollow Core Print Sleeves

Shelves Rotate Forward-Reverse To Bring Goods-To-Person GTP  For Quick Efficient Accurate Storage-Picking ♠ Increased Storage – 3x times Static Shelves ♠ Compact Footprint – Frees Valuable Floor Space ♠ Visible Organized Inventory ♠ Enclosure protects Goods Against Dirt-Theft ♠  Uses Un-utilized Overhead Vertical Space ♠  
Hollow Core Carousels For Print Sleeves
Hollow Core Carousels For Print Sleeves
For Vertical Storage Of Hollow Core Print Sleeves. Carriers rotating forward-reverse on chains bring Hanging Print Sleeves close to operator at ergonomic height for picking-storing. Cantilever design permits easy quick access for storage-retrieval of print sleeves from both sides of machine.
They use overhead vertical space to increase storage capacity. Clearly organized visible closely packed inventory reduces search time. Enclosed storage protects goods against, damage. Safe, secure, organized storage effectively using overhead space to save costly floor space. Enclosed storage improves shop-floor safety reducing the risk of trips over goods scattered across the floor. Close spacing of items eliminates need to search, walk around, bend over or use a ladder for order picking.
We specialize in customized motorized vertical industrial carousels- Shelves Carousels, Shelves Carousels, Cans-Crates Carousels, Footwear Carousels, Wires Carousels, Tires Carousels, Garments Carousels, Coils Carousels, Rolls Carousels, Long Goods Carousel, Steel Rolls Carousels
Also check-out our other smart vertical storage solutions. Mobile Shelves, Slide-To-Side Shelves, Vertical Lift Machines, Multi-Column Vertical Lift Machines, Tire VLM
 Posted by at 2:35 pm